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⌚ Date: 2nd - 3rd March

🪧 Venue: Atmiya University, Rajkot



Where Ideas find Code.



Where Ideas find Code.

Total timeline for Code Carnival participants

What's Coming Up..?

  • Registration
    10/01/2024 - 18/02/2024
    The registration phase marks the initial step for participants to express their interest in joining the hackathon. During this period, individuals or teams register for the event by providing necessary information, such as team details, participant names, and any required background information. Organizers often use online platforms or dedicated websites to streamline the registration process and gather essential data.
  • Synopsis Submission
    01/02/2024 - 20/02/2024
    Following successful registration, participants are typically required to prepare and submit their project proposals or presentation materials. This phase is crucial for teams to outline their project ideas, objectives, and any preliminary work they have done. Presentation submission allows organizers to review and assess the proposed projects, ensuring they align with the hackathon's theme and guidelines.
    *Submit your Synopsis here*
  • Acceptance Notification
    After the presentation submission deadline, organizers review the entries to select the most promising projects that will proceed to the hackathon event. The acceptance notification phase involves notifying participants or teams about the outcome of the selection process. Successful participants receive confirmation of their acceptance into the hackathon, while those who are not selected may receive feedback or information on future opportunities.
  • Final Details Declaration
    As the hackathon date approaches, organizers release final details to the accepted participants. This includes essential information such as the event schedule, venue details (whether it's in-person or virtual), rules and guidelines, tools or platforms to be used, and any additional resources or support provided during the hackathon. The final details declaration ensures that participants are well-prepared and have all the necessary information to make the most of the hackathon experience.